
Embark on an unforgettable journey into the enchanting realm of Grimwell, where books wield an unexpected power to shape destinies. Meet Derek Winnebaker, a spirited barista with a penchant for literature and a taste for strong coffee. When Derek stumbles upon a novel detailing the whimsical adventures of a fantasy creature known as a grimkin, he finds himself irresistibly drawn into its fantastical world.

Using the book as his guide, Derek bravely navigates through life's twists and turns, transforming from a downtrodden bystander into a courageous protagonist. From mustering the courage to ask out his crush to standing up to his tyrannical boss, Derek's journey mirrors the epic saga unfolding within the pages of his newfound literary companion. Yet, just as Derek begins to master his narrative, the whims of fate take a dark turn reminiscent of Kafka's surreal tales, challenging Derek's agency in his own story.

In this captivating blend of comedy, romance, and twisted fairy tale, Grimwell prompts readers to ponder the profound influence of literature on our lives. Will Derek seize control of his destiny, or will he remain ensnared in the machinations of an unseen narrator? Prepare to be enthralled and enlightened as Grimwell invites you to reconsider the power of storytelling and the choices that shape our realities.

Praise for Grimwell

“A witty, magical yarn that will be a welcome addition to the shelves of fantasy aficionados.”—Kirkus Reviews

A book-lover’s fantasy, replete with humor, creativity, and an appreciation for the power of storytelling…laugh-out-loud-in-the-crowded-coffee-shop funny.”—Independent Book Review

"A word of caution: be prepared to laugh until you cry, to gasp with surprise, and most of all to lose yourself in the strange, wonderful world of Grimwell. You may never want to come back!"—Chris Belden, author of Shriver

"Michael Belanger's Grimwell is a surprising book that will take you on an unexpected fantastical journey that plays with genre and the reader's assumptions about everyday people..." — Grisel Yolanda Acosta, author of Things to Pack on the Way to Everywhere